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Thank you for joining us at #ERSR24

We're very keen to keep on improving the rally for our competitors, marshals, volunteers and spectators.
We appreciate you taking the time to leave your feedback using the short questionnaire below. 

Give Us Your Feedback

We’d love to hear what you thought about the East Riding Stages Rally.

How would you rate your experience at the event?
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Would you recommend the East Riding Stages Rally to friends & family?
How did you find out about the event?
Did you stay overnight?
If you stayed overnight, was it a...
How many nights did you stay?
Did you eat at a pub or restaurant?
Will you visit the area again, apart from to attend the event?
How often have you been to the Rally (including 2024)?
Did you attend the Rally as a....
How does the East Riding Stages Rally compare to other closed road events?
What is your age?
If you ate out, did you use the discount code we arranged?
Where did you watch?
Would you enter the event next year?
Would you give up your time next year?
Where were you based?
Please rate the entry/ sign on process:
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Please rate the Westwood Super Special Stage
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Please rate the documentation:
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Please rate the information available:
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Please rate the road book collection process:
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Please rate the FanZone:
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Please rate scrutineering:
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Please rate the road book:
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Please rate the recce process:
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Please rate the FanZone (Start/Finish) venue:
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Please rate the stages:
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Please rate the Super Special stage:
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Do you prefer...
Please rate the service area:
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Please rate the refuelling area:
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Please rate the results service:
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Thanks for sharing your feedback with us!

Join the Club

New members are always welcome.​


We meet every Thursday evening at the Bay Horse in Cherry Burton.


If you are interested in finding out more about the club, contact us or come along to the club one Thursday evening and see what's happening.


Cherry Burton OS
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