Membership runs from January to December and costs just £15 per year or £5 to those in full time education including students. We offer half price membership from 1st October.
In order to encourage whole family membership of the club, we offer membership to all the members of a family who all live at the same address for no more money than for one person. The only restriction is that you will only receive one membership card for external events.
If you'd like to join the club, complete the online application form, or download and complete the application form and bring it to a club night.
Alternatively post it to the membership secretary:
Mr G Potter
22 Whitworth Street
Hull HU9 3HH
Either send a cheque for your membership, or pay us by BACS directly to our account:
The Beverley and District Motor Club Limited
Sort code 402515
Account 71121707
Select 'Business' if prompted by you bank
Please also refer to the club's Privacy Policy
Apply now
New members should complete the form below.
Existing members should click the renew button and complete the other form.